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Our dedicated Ocean Freight teams have invaluable, firsthand knowledge of everything from local rates to international locations and our exceptional working relationships with all major shipping lines allow us to tailor shipping solutions to our industries' needs.
Here at Gold Shipping Agencies we handle large and small shipments on a daily basis and whatever the job, be it a Less than Container Load (LCL) or multiple Full Container Loads (FCL), our industries are always happy with the cargo delivered. Whether it's a Heavy Lift shipment or a hanging container you require for delicate garments (GOH) we have the necessary experience, industry awards and a proven track record that demonstrates we get the job done every time.
Our fully trained and skilled personnel in all aspects of freight forwarding and logistics, together with modern technology, will generate competitive advantages for our clients.
With our selected network of Partners we adapt to the most demanding requirements and to the highest expectations for service anywhere in the World.
Suite# 606,
Sixth Floor,
Landmark Plaza,
Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone 1: +92 42 3577 5506
Phone 2: +92 42 3577 5507