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One of the our main activities is customs clearance and delivery of cago. Whether the goods are foodstuffs, machinery or personal effects, our experience and expertise in the clearance to their particular requirements - Whether they be imports, exports, transhipments or re-exports.
The most prominent aspects of cargo clearance is documentation - filling of bills of Entry or Shipping bills, applications for duty Exemption, preparation & attestation of documents etc with chamber of commerce, General Industrial Corporation or any other authority are processed in timely manner. There is also the matter of duties deposits, redfunds and can correctly advice which is applicable in each individual case. The complexities of clearing cargo at the airport or seaport. Our team of dedicated professionals who can advice (free of cost) documentation requirements, best modes of transit, savings in freight, packing ideas & local rules and regulations.
Our fully trained and skilled personnel in all aspects of freight forwarding and logistics, together with modern technology, will generate competitive advantages for our clients.
With our selected network of Partners we adapt to the most demanding requirements and to the highest expectations for service anywhere in the World.
Suite# 606,
Sixth Floor,
Landmark Plaza,
Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone 1: +92 42 3577 5506
Phone 2: +92 42 3577 5507