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MoreSea Cargo is one of the eminent features among the services offered by us. We not only arrange for appropriate freight but also handle the related formalities with a constant tracking of the shipment.
MoreGold Shipping Agencies, with a wide network of freight forwarders at all major Airports, can offer a comprehensive Air Cargo Service.
Our fully trained and skilled personnel in all aspects of freight forwarding and logistics, together with modern technology, will generate competitive advantages for our clients.
With our selected network of Partners we adapt to the most demanding requirements and to the highest expectations for service anywhere in the World.
Suite# 606,
Sixth Floor,
Landmark Plaza,
Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone 1: +92 42 3577 5506
Phone 2: +92 42 3577 5507
E-mail: info@goldshippingagencies.com